Wednesday, October 31, 2007 Y 8:31 AM AHAHAHAH OK SO HAPPY HALLOWEENN AHHAHA OKOK SO I WENT WITH MY FRIENDS TO GO TRICK OR TREATING *Me Celine Roxy Marga Trini Camille and Coycoy* We went to Marga's house at around 2pm 8DD We walked around while waiting for Marga's driver to bring us to Forbes. GAHD HE TOOK SO LONG D:< AND WHEN WE WERE SUPPOSED TO PICK UP COYCOY IT WAS DARK NA AND THEGUARD SAID NOMORE TRICK OR TREATING IN FORBES -.-;;; Then we went to Trini's house since it was dark LOL. AFTER THAT WE USED THE COMPUTER THEN MARGA AND TRINI BULLIED CELINE O.O;;. AHAH then we went home LOL. ANDD DUUHH WE GOT CANDY FROM THE HOUSES HAHAH. ZOMG FORGOT DUH WE WENT CAMWHORING AHAHAHA I'll upload the pics tomorrow it's almost midnight na eh XD ZOMG AND 1 FUNNY VID LOLOLOL. OK OK THEN I FOUND THIS SURVEY IN CELINE'S MULTIPLY LOL. what if your crush...*i don't have a crush k? it's a survey lng :)* 1. Removes his t-shirt in front of you? -- zomgg @__@ *stares* 2. Scored 3 points in basketball? -- YAAYY :DDD 3. Is a loner? -- o_o he has meh 8DD 4. Asked you to be his prom date? -- ZOMGG YESS O: 5. Had an accident on his way to his school or any other place? -- D: nooo D:< 6. Asked you to watch a movie with him? --HOLY OMG YEAHH 7. Holds your hand? -- :] :] :] huwahh :DD <3 8. Accidentally hits you with a ball? -- errr O_O 9. Bought you something? -- say thanks HAHAHA LOLLL ofcourse uhh *hugs*? O_O 10. Put his arms around you? -- HUWAHH <333 kilignesss 11. Took your ID? -- D: O_O 12. Bumped into you? -- HIII :DDDDDDDD *grins* 13. Insulted you? -- I'll slap him duhh o.o 14. Hugged you from behind? -- SO SWEEETT kilig :DD 15. Told you that he loves you? -- zomg zomg zomg ZEE O EM GEE *kiligg* 16. Borrowed cash? -- lol o.o 17. Didn't pay you the money he borrowed? -- it's ok LOLL 18. Gave you load without you telling you? -- HAHA coolness. yaman! :)) 19. Called you at home? -- talkkk :D 20. Talked to you until midnight? -- <3 :DDD 21. Asked you to be his girlfriend? -- ZOMGG <3 suree LOLOLLL when im 14 8D AHAHAH WALA LNG I DON'T HAVE CRUSHES :D ![]() Tuesday, October 23, 2007 Y 6:13 AM OK so it's been 1 or 2 days ever since i posted here haha. Ok so today we had our Field Demo I was at the middle and super front pa LOL. The dance was nice ahuahauh. AFTER THAT ZOMGG WHEN THE TEACHERS WERE DANCING SI MS. ALOJIPAN AT SI SIR. PANTANGCO WERE SOO SWEET(that's all i could say cause Ms.Alojipan is good in html so she might get mad at us *anjo nikki and I* ahaha LOL. Moving onn, I made this skin yesterday but i couldn't submit it cause blogskins at the deleting glitch again -.-;;; so today i submitted it 8DD 5 favs agad <3 nayahah. ZOMGG D: Science UT tomorrow T.T;; good luck to mehh. AHAHAH OMG I FORGOT ZOMGZOMGOMGGG. VARSITY NIGHT WAS RESCHEDULED OHOHOHO and err.. it's rescheduled on NOVEMBER 9. AHAHHA can't wait @_@. okk night late na byeee. ![]() Saturday, October 20, 2007 Y 9:39 AM OKK it's almost 1am here :)). Ok so I'll start from 10am till now. At 10 am Anjo and I were beggin Nikki to let us go to her house but she said that she couldn't cause she's going to SHOP WITH HER MOM, I asked her where and she said LANDMARK. I MEAN COME ON IN LANDMARK NEAR GLORIETTA WHERE THE EXPLOSION HAPPENED!?!?! LOL nevermind about that, Anjo and I gave up na. Then around 1 or 2pm Bruce wanted to duel in GenocideRO LOL so we dueled but he kept on warping etc etc. @_@ gahh then people wanted to go out to the malls and I was like WTF WHY ONLY NOW (conversaiton with Andrea). Here this is what happened: Jackie: LETS GENO Andrea: Ehh I'm going out eh Jackie: GAHH WHY IS EVERYBODY GOING OUT YOU KNOW NOBODY GOES OUT ON SATURDAYS THAT MUCH BUT EVER SINCDE THE EXPLOSION HAPPENED PEOPLE ARE GOING OUT. ahaha LOL something like that. Then around 5pm I watched my mom's velada thing, it was funny and nice. Around 6:30pm I saw Mika Manlutac so i went with her to buy potatoe corner OMG IT TOOK US LIKE 20-30MINS FOR US TO GET OUR POTATOE CORNER THING CAUSE THE LINE WAS SO SLOW. LOL we also saw Danni Tiangco's sister, Gabbi LOL she looked so cutee haha. Then around 7:30 I couldn't find Mika so i asked my mom if i could go home na XDD she said ok so i got to go home around 9pm cause i watched a little of the velada practice thing. LOLL from 9pm to 1am I played RO with Andrea, Bruce, and Puppet :)). We were PVPing LOLOLL sooo, Andrea had this card that Bruce wanted then Bruce had this card that Andrea wanted LOLL so Bruce kept on searching then suddenly Bruce stopped talking and when i checked he went offline na @_@. Etc. etc. Moving on I said goodnight LOLL THAT'S ALL. OK BYEEE :DDD night. :) ![]() Friday, October 19, 2007 Y 4:25 AM OMGG GAHH IT'S SO ANNOYINGGG GAHHH WHEN WE WERE ABOUT TO GO TO NIKKI'S HOUSE TO FRESHEN UP BEFORE THE VARSITY NIGHT, MY MOM CALLED UP AND SAID THAT I COULDN'T GO CAUSE GLORIETTA HAD AN EXPLOSION, I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE ONLY THING NA I COULD PERSUADE(OR WHATEVER YOU SPELL IT) MY MOM TO LET ME GO BUT THE VARSITY NIGHT WAS CANCELLED CAUSE OF THAT D:< *PUNCHES BARNEY*. T.T huwahh what makes it even worse was that my mom was at the exact same spot 10 mins. before the explosion happened which made me cry like hell. :(( and I'm still traumatized until now :((. GAHH I REALLY WANTED TO GO TO THE VARSITY NIGHTT GAAHH DAMN ITTT FUDGENESS. Huwahh I hope that they'll re-schedule the varsity night GAH PLEASEE D:. Fwefwe so now Glorietta is closed right now until God knows when LOL. THE GOOD THING IS THAT BURGER KING WASN'T HIT LOL but still D:. Eekk the videos and pics of glorietta in the news were so scary and sad D:. omg @__@ byee. p.s. I'm super pissed and sad. :[ ![]() Thursday, October 18, 2007 Y 5:34 AM OH EHMM GEEE AHAHAHA. The SS UT was super easy and i thought that it was going to be hard @_@. Moving on, LOL Varsity Night is tomorrow 8DD I can't WAIITT *explodes* LOL. Ehh o-o of all the days to go to forbes Bruce o.o u choose the Varsity Night day *punches Bruce* HAAHH who cares >D. OMG I'M SO RANDOM THERE'S THIS ADDICTIVE GAME CALLED Impossible Quiz 1 LOL and Impossible Quiz 2 AHAHAAH THOSE GAMES ARE SO FUN AND ADDICTIVE TRY THEM NYAHAHA XDD. Ok so I'll post more later on. BYEEE *punches*. ![]() Wednesday, October 17, 2007 Y 1:48 AM OMGG the RDG UT was super easy <33 ahahah LOL. Then so sad for Anna @_@ when we were playing my friend said that she farted LOLOLLL. OMG VARSITY NIGHT IS 2 DAYS FROM NOW I CAN'T WAIT AYEEHH. XD HAAHAH. LOL ok so that's what happened today.hahahalol I'll post more later on. BYEE. ![]() Tuesday, October 16, 2007 Y 5:31 AM OMG GOD. It's UT week and the filipino test was a little(hahh super kinda ehh whatever) hard LOL. But the language test was OMFG EFFING EASY <3 THANK YOU MS. GARCIA 8D. okk omg forgot 1st post :).Anyways that's all for now and II'll be posting more later on. BYEE. ![]() |
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My Mood
UPDATES new skin on NOVEMBER 20,2007 fixed sidebar on DECEMBER 9, 2007
The Assumptionista ![]() I'm at the left side and beside me is Celine ahaha 8DD. School: Assummption College *SanLo* Location: Philippines Born on: October 12, 1995 AHHAHA LOVES GOD FAMILY FRIENDS COMPUTER MUSIC IPOD CONVERSE HAVAIANAS COBRA STARSHIP, AAR, FOB ehh alot LOL *gets tired removes caps* my pillow bed and blanket HAHAH LOL high grades HTML blogskins making skins the DS OMG TEEVEE LOLLL aircon ohh yahh *drools* people who smell good nyahha camwhoring BAHAHA HEROES ANTM ALL THE CYCLESS THAT 70'S SHOWW AHAHAHOH YAHH MILO VENTIMIGLIA A.K.A PETER PETRELLI FROM HEROES HATES HELL YAH bimbos show-offs hot places meanies D:
SPEAK ![]() ![]() ![]()
ESCAPADES Andie Andrea Angela Celine Nikki Roxy Yannie
Date and Time :D
My Pet
My Personality ![]()
Adopted ![]() Adopted Trees.
into the past ♥ October 2007 ♥ November 2007 ♥ December 2007 ♥ January 2008
APPLAUSE basecodes: 0 images: 1 2 host: 3 other: 4 5
Lyricist I'm through with standing in line To clubs we'll never get in It's like the bottom of the ninth And I'm never gonna win This life hasn't turned out Quite the way I want it to be (Tell me what you want) I want a brand new house On an episode of Cribs And a bathroom I can play baseball in And a king size tub big enough For ten plus me (So what you need?) I'll need a credit card that's got no limit And a big black jet with a bedroom in it Gonna join the mile high club At thirty-seven thousand feet (Been there, done that) I want a new tour bus full of old guitars My own star on Hollywood Boulevard Somewhere between Cher and James Dean is fine for me (So how you gonna do it?) I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame I'd even cut my hair and change my name [Chorus:] 'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat And we'll hang out in the coolest bars In the VIP with the movie stars Every good gold digger's Gonna wind up there Every Playboy bunny With her bleach blond hair Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes Sign a couple autographs So I can eat my meals for free (I'll have the quesadilla, on the house) I'm gonna dress my ass With the latest fashion Get a front door key to the Playboy mansion Gonna date a centerfold that loves to Blow my money for me (So how you gonna do it?) I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame I'd even cut my hair and change my name [Chorus] And we'll hide out in the private rooms With the latest dictionary and today's who's who They'll get you anything with that evil smile Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar I'm gonna sing those songs That offend the censors Gonna pop my pills from a pez dispenser I'll get washed-up singers writing all my songs Lip sync em every night so I don't get 'em wrong [Chorus] And we'll hide out in the private rooms With the latest dictionary and today's who's who They'll get you anything with that evil smile Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar |