Tuesday, December 18, 2007 Y 5:18 AM OKOK LOLL I'm getting a wii tomorrow 8D and since it's the last day of school till christmas break I'm going to be absent :> :> HHAHAHA omggg I can't wait till tomorrow I even get 10-15 free games 8D. Enough of that, you know yesterday |: while I was in FullyBooked Fort with my mom, my Havaianas BROKE it was so annoying @__@ and we were still far away from the car >.>;;. @__@ YOU KNOW AHHAHA *random* the games that i wanna get for the wii are the following :>:> Guitar Hero 3 8D ALL THE SUPER MARIO GAMES :>:> OMG OMG SUPER SMASH BRO BRAWLLLLL hell yeah :>:> HARVEST MOOOOONNNNN and more AHHAHA =)). Ok ok enough of that @____@. Right now I'm watching Bring it on 4 8D it's a nice movie :)). Ekk you know in school -_- ms gucci HAHHA was like choosing the roles of people in the coral recitation thing -_-, she was choosing random people who are always present in school and are reliable @__@ so you know what, she made me the king cause I kept on looking at her O__O maybe she thought that I was signaling her to make me the king >.>;; hell I didn't want to be the king but ms gucci said that it's permanent @__@ oh well LOOL. Today my friend Monica Magsanoc gave my friend Mika Manikan a turtle which was like smaller than your palm LOOL. So when we were near the pool my friend placed the turtle *omg btw she named her turtle Zippy and it's a girl 8D* in the pool then u knoww @__@ Zippy swam so fast |: and she looked so cute :)) that's all for now 8D. Nightt :)). ![]() Saturday, December 15, 2007 Y 10:14 PM ahahah ok so I have given up on the digivice >.>;; it's so hard to it eh. Ok so moving on 8D I can't wait till i get my Wii @__@ ofcourse the modified one :>:>. you know you know :DDD im going to make skins for people 8D and im going to post it here 8D so that u can download em :>:> lool if u like them LOL 8D. k byeeee 8DD ![]() Monday, December 10, 2007 Y 4:54 AM Omg finally I got the text from my tita if the d-tector was there, guess what THEY DON'T HAVEE @__@(ahah i know that it's old but FUNN <3). So we called up Ban Kee to see if they still have in stock (theyre a distributor), so theyre going to tell us tomorrow if they have pa in stock 8DD can't waiittt @__@ CAUSE I SAW IN THEYRE WEBSITE THAT THEY HAVEEE SO I BET THEY HAVEE D: *laws of attraction* NAHAHAH @_@. AHAHAHA OK MOVING ON Tomorrow is Science and Filipino demmit. @_@ it's like for Science you have to like know the.. Summary of the Endocrine System Lymphatic and Immune System Nervous System and theyre diseases things @__@ AHHAHA OK THAT'S ALL FOR NOW BYEEE 8DD p.s I KNOW THAT THEY HAVE IN STOCK 8DD *laws of attraction* ![]() Sunday, December 9, 2007 Y 2:54 AM OMGG GAHH IT TOOK ME 2 DAYS TO REMEMBER MY EMAIL ADD FOR THIS ACCOUNT LOOOL. AHAHAH moving on <33 I want this digivice thing LOOL called D-tector v.3 don't cha knoww @__@ it's so fun ahahah *lame* DAMN YOU DAVE FOR MAKING ME ADDICTED TO IT D:<. Ehh i have one it's v1<-- ekk and it's broken @__@ tapos si Dave he gave me his v1 but it's also broken damn you Dave D:<< *glares*. AHAHAH SO I MADE PABILI MY TITA CAUSE SHE'S IN HONGKONG WITH MY RELATIVES <3 hope she finds it D:. AND OMG I FORGOT IT'S TE WEEK DAMNN @__@ soo yah 4 more TEs left tomorrow is Lang and Rdg then on Tues (our last WOOOH) it's SCIENCE AND FILIPINO damn it those are like the hardest subjects ever and theyre sabay pa @_@. AHHAHA OK I'LL POST AGAIN TOMORROW 8D. P.S AHAHAHA MY TITA AND RELATIVES ARE COMING BACK THIS TUES BAHAHAH. ![]() |
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My Mood
UPDATES new skin on NOVEMBER 20,2007 fixed sidebar on DECEMBER 9, 2007
The Assumptionista ![]() I'm at the left side and beside me is Celine ahaha 8DD. School: Assummption College *SanLo* Location: Philippines Born on: October 12, 1995 AHHAHA LOVES GOD FAMILY FRIENDS COMPUTER MUSIC IPOD CONVERSE HAVAIANAS COBRA STARSHIP, AAR, FOB ehh alot LOL *gets tired removes caps* my pillow bed and blanket HAHAH LOL high grades HTML blogskins making skins the DS OMG TEEVEE LOLLL aircon ohh yahh *drools* people who smell good nyahha camwhoring BAHAHA HEROES ANTM ALL THE CYCLESS THAT 70'S SHOWW AHAHAHOH YAHH MILO VENTIMIGLIA A.K.A PETER PETRELLI FROM HEROES HATES HELL YAH bimbos show-offs hot places meanies D:
SPEAK ![]() ![]() ![]()
ESCAPADES Andie Andrea Angela Celine Nikki Roxy Yannie
Date and Time :D
My Pet
My Personality ![]()
Adopted ![]() Adopted Trees.
into the past ♥ October 2007 ♥ November 2007 ♥ December 2007 ♥ January 2008
APPLAUSE basecodes: 0 images: 1 2 host: 3 other: 4 5
Lyricist I'm through with standing in line To clubs we'll never get in It's like the bottom of the ninth And I'm never gonna win This life hasn't turned out Quite the way I want it to be (Tell me what you want) I want a brand new house On an episode of Cribs And a bathroom I can play baseball in And a king size tub big enough For ten plus me (So what you need?) I'll need a credit card that's got no limit And a big black jet with a bedroom in it Gonna join the mile high club At thirty-seven thousand feet (Been there, done that) I want a new tour bus full of old guitars My own star on Hollywood Boulevard Somewhere between Cher and James Dean is fine for me (So how you gonna do it?) I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame I'd even cut my hair and change my name [Chorus:] 'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat And we'll hang out in the coolest bars In the VIP with the movie stars Every good gold digger's Gonna wind up there Every Playboy bunny With her bleach blond hair Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes Sign a couple autographs So I can eat my meals for free (I'll have the quesadilla, on the house) I'm gonna dress my ass With the latest fashion Get a front door key to the Playboy mansion Gonna date a centerfold that loves to Blow my money for me (So how you gonna do it?) I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame I'd even cut my hair and change my name [Chorus] And we'll hide out in the private rooms With the latest dictionary and today's who's who They'll get you anything with that evil smile Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar I'm gonna sing those songs That offend the censors Gonna pop my pills from a pez dispenser I'll get washed-up singers writing all my songs Lip sync em every night so I don't get 'em wrong [Chorus] And we'll hide out in the private rooms With the latest dictionary and today's who's who They'll get you anything with that evil smile Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar |